Exchange Program at Shiga University

1. Exchange Program (Undergraduate Level)

This program is intended for international students who are enrolled in the undergraduate level at their home institution. This program will enable students to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture and society as well as improving their Japanese language proficiency.

Admitted exchange students will be placed either in the Faculty of Education or Economics and will take regular undergraduate courses as well as Japanese language courses offered by Institute for International Affairs.

2. Exchange Program (Graduate Level)

This program is intended for international students who are enrolled in the graduate level at their home institution. This program will enable students to pursue their research as well as to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture and society.

Courses and Classes at Shiga University

Shiga University has two semesters, spring and fall (early April to early August, October 1 to early February). Exchange students are expected to arrive to Japan before the semester starts. We have an orientation for new international students at the beginning of each semester, and students can learn about rules for living in Japan, university facilities and registration information, etc.

They can choose from a variety of classes based on their area of interest – however, depending on the level of students’ Japanese proficiency level, number of regular classes they can take may be limited. Classes offered at Shiga University are taught in Japanese, and each class is 90 minute long and meets once a week.

If you wish to check the syllabus for classes offered at Shiga University, please check: “Syllabus” (available in Japanese only)

Japanese Courses and Classes at Shiga University

Shiga University offers Japanese courses for non-Japanese native speakers.
Japanese language courses at Shiga University are offered on both Hikone Campus (Faculty of Economics) and Otsu Campus (Faculty of Education) ; however, each campus has its own Japanese curriculum.

Students can earn credits for Japanese classes offered at undergraduate level and/or graduate level. For Japanese classes offered by the Institute for International Affairs, we will issue a certificate of completion in place for the transcript of records – these classes may be also recognized and considered for credits by home institutions.


We accept exchange students (both undergraduate and graduate levels) to start the program in April or October.
Students can study in Shiga University for one semester or two semesters.

As all regular courses will be taught in Japanese, we require applicants to have a certain level of Japanese language proficiency. (Preferably JLPT N2 or equivalent.)

We may accept students without N2 certificate based on the interview and students’ area of studies, etc. Acceptance as exchange students is only granted after successfully completed interview. Shiga University will send a confirmation of acceptance upon decision.

We may accept students with N3 or without certificate if they are planning to take only Japanese language classes. In this case, students will be placed in the campus with appropriate Japanese classes, regardless of their interest of study.


Please check the link and nominate students.

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